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Desktop Enhancements & Sub Categories


Eizo MonitorTest

Evaluate and adjust your monitor using 24 different testing methods.


Desktop Clock & Calendar

Get a replacement for the gadgets that Windows 8 did away with.


Easy Text

?reate notes and save the file in the .txt extension.


Core Temp Gadget

Monitor your processor temperature via a graph at the bottom of the gadget.


Barbie Princess Dress Up

Make Barbie wish come true



Share your items with your Google Talk friends.


Wifi Watcher

Monitor and view the WiFi signal on your desktop.


Always On Top

Keep important notes on top of all windows.


COBRA Snipping Tool

Get any screenshot in real time.


Vov Sticky Notes

Create digital stickers and reminders to your desktop.


Heavy Weather

manage weather information


PowerBall Desktop Roller

Generate your own PowerBall numbers.