
Magayo World Time Weather (64-bit) About

Magayo World Time Weather (64-bit) Specifications
Date added:
June 10, 2022
Date released:
July 29, 2013
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows,
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
JRE 1.7 and above

Magayo World Time Weather (64-bit) v1.0.2.1

Display the current local time and weather of your chosen cities.

Magayo World Time Weather (64-bit) Screenshots

Magayo World Time Weather (64-bit) Editor's review

magayo World Time Weather(64-bit) is a free desktop world clock that allows you to display the current local times of your chosen cities on your Windows desktop. magayo World Time Weather(64-bit) supports nearly 600 cities in over 220 countries. You can personalize each world clock with your favorite font colors and font sizes. The date and time shown can also be easily customized. We provide you with a list of over 65 commonly used date formats around the world to choose from. You can decide to view the time on each world clock in 12-hour or 24-hour format, and with or without the seconds. With magayo World Time Weather, the world weather forecast for the cities is also conveniently shown on your desktop.


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