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Communications & Sub Categories



Remove and block e-mails based on your decisions.


Spam Filter ISP

Establish spam-filtering services for your mail server.


GFI MailEssentials

Add antispam and management features to your mail server.


Spam-X Solo

Protect your family, team, or company e-mail from spam and fraud attempts.


CleanMail Home

Install a set of filters to protect your mail server from spam.


Spam Defender Professional

Keep viruses off your computer, delete unwanted junk mail, and eliminate spam.



Filter out spam e-mails automatically on your Windows PC.


vqME AntiSpam

Block spam, viruses, spyware and phishing attempts before they reach your computer or network.



Strip out all harmful attachments, e-mail worms, HTML, scripts, Web bugs, and other e-mail threats.


MailWasher Pro

Preview your e-mail before downloading and remove spam and unwanted content.