
MP3 To Ringtone About

MP3 To Ringtone Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 13, 2022
Date released:
Nov. 7, 2008
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows,
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Additional Requirements
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista

MP3 To Ringtone v1.5

Convert your favorite MP3 songs into ringtones.

MP3 To Ringtone Screenshots

MP3 To Ringtone Editor's review

MP3 To Ring tone is an ring tone converter. It can be used to convert the popular compressed audio formats (.MP3) to ring tone format (.MMF, .MP3, .WAV) and burn MP3s to CD or as a CD ripper. It can be used to rip multiple audio CDs at once. It also can be used to convert MP3s to small size. You can save any part of your favorite MP3 to ring tone format. 64MB MP3 mobile phone supports more than 250 songs.

Version 1.5 fixed a bug and you can add as many files as you want.


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