
BitRecover ZDB Converter Wizard About

BitRecover ZDB Converter Wizard Specifications
Date added:
July 25, 2024
Date released:
May 16, 2019
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows NT, Windows, Windows 10,
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Not available

BitRecover ZDB Converter Wizard v8.0

Export Zimbra ZDB files to PST, MSG, EML, MBOX, PDF formats.

BitRecover ZDB Converter Wizard Screenshots

BitRecover ZDB Converter Wizard Editor's review

Users can also use Date Recovery Mode if they want to convert corrupted Zimbra ZDB files to healthy PST (personal storage table) files for Microsoft Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, etc. ZDB to PST Converter keeps all email attributes during the ZDB file conversion such as Attachments, To, Cc, Bcc, Date, Time, Subject, Signature, Text, Hyperlinks, Folders, Subfolders, Header, Footer, Images, Deleted Emails, etc. Both technical and non-technical users can easily use this product without facing difficulties as it comes with a simple to use GUI. Zimbra ZDB Converter large size *.zdb files as it has no size limitation for conversion. After selecting ZDB files from the computer, the tool will show all folders in the software UI, users can select only specific folders to save them into any generic format. If you want to convert ZDB files into a single email or document formats then if offers various file naming options. BitRecover ZDB to PST Converter supports Encrypted ZDB files and gives permission to save them into generic file formats. It has a separate option to create separate PST per user means that if you choose 10 ZDB files for conversion then it will create 10 resultant PST files. ZDB to PST Converter also able to split resultant PST file into 2 GB, 5 GB, and 10 GB parts and it does not require Microsoft Outlook installation to export ZDB to PST.


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