
ez1099 2017 About

ez1099 2017 Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 3, 2022
Date released:
Sept. 24, 2017
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows, Windows 10,
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Additional Requirements
Not available

ez1099 2017 v3.3.9.1

Fill out, print, and file 1099 tax forms.

ez1099 2017 Screenshots

ez1099 2017 Editor's review

ez1099 was developed to simplify filling out, printing and eFile W2G, 1097BTC, 1098s (1098, 1098C, 1098E, 1098 T), 1099s (1099A, 1099B, 1099C, 1099CAP, 1099DIV, 1099G, 1099H, 1099INT, 1099LTC, 1099MISC, 1099OID, 1099PATR, 1099Q, 1099R, 1099S, 1099SA), 5498s(5498, 5498ESA, 5498SA), 8935, 3921, 3922, 1096 forms required by the IRS.

Supports unlimited 1097, 1098s, 1099s, 5498s, 8935, 3921, 3922, 1096 recipients/payers. Supports unlimited companies. Print on preprinted red copy A and black forms. Print copy B, C, D, 1, 2. Save as PDF file and e-mail to recipients. Supports eFile. Import recipients. No time limit on demo use. Support W2G, 1097BTC, 1098s (1098, 1098C, 1098E, 1098 T), 1099s (1099A, 1099B, 1099C, 1099CAP, 1099DIV, 1099G, 1099H, 1099INT, 1099LTC, 1099MISC, 1099OID, 1099PATR, 1099Q, 1099R, 1099S, 1099SA), 5498s(5498, 5498ESA, 5498SA), 8935, 3921, 3922, 1096 forms. Print multiple forms by one click.


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