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Business Software & Sub Categories


Credit Decision Platform

Automate decisions about credit applications and enhance efficiency.



Manage your risk by tracking your certificates of insurance and documents in-house.


The Event Pal

Manage and organize large group events or camps.



Manage, graph, and analyze data.


DeltekVisionTime for Windows 10

Deltek Touch Time & Expense for Vision Deltek, Inc.


LVB Mobile for Windows 10

LVB Mobile is the Retail Mobile Banking Application of the Bank.


CSV To vCard VCF Converter Software

Convert a CSV file with contacts to VCFs.


Forex Simulator

Simulate Forex trading in environment optimized for manual backtesting, learning, and training.


Fleet Commander System

Track and monitor driver productivity, and reduce operational and fuel costs.


Transportation Management Software

Manage your trucks, trailers and drivers.


Idle Software Closer

Close idle programs within a company network.


Inmosoft (Spanish)

Manage tasks and information for property management business.