Illustrator XML Creator Specifications
Create Adobe Illustrator XML files from MS Excel spreadsheets, CSV, Text files, and scanned folders.
- Create a Adobe Illustrator XML file from MS Excel spreadsheet file. - Create a Adobe Illustrator XML file from a *.csv or *.txt file - Create a Adobe Illustrator XML file from scanned folder/Sub Folders - Scanned text (*.txt) and richtext (*.rtf) files can be converted and added as plain text inside the XML file.
If your MS Excel spreadsheet or comma delimited CSV or TEXT file contains links to a file, then the link will also be added in the Adobe Illustrator XML file, so you will be able to have both test and also images in the XML file for Adobe Illustrator. Please note that the file format must be supported by Adobe Illustrator or you will get a warning in Adobe Illustrator.