ChangXin Market Lucky Draw Ultimate Specifications
Organize and manage lucky draw events.
1. Five different lucky draw methods, including flush, turn over cards, smash egg, roulette and slot machine. (Basic version has only flush method)
1.Able to control the winning by adjusting award quota and winning probability. For instance, set to have one winner of the first grade award each day, set the winning probability as 1%. 2.Able to set the winners of each day to a specific number. For instance, set to generate three winners of first grade award in today. (No need any settings, software would automatically assign the winning averagely.) 3.Able to appoint the winner, i.e. let Mr. A win the first grade award, Mr. B win the second grade award. (This feature is developed for entertaining purpose only, do not use for any illegal purpose, otherwise the user will take all consequences.)