
Investors Database About

Investors Database Specifications
Date added:
Oct. 10, 2021
Date released:
June 30, 2011
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows,
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Additional Requirements
MS Access 2000

Investors Database v0.96

Manage your entire investment data efficiently.

Investors Database Screenshots

Investors Database Editor's review

If taking control of your investment data is your style then IDB, the Investor's Database is the system for you. IDB is based on Microsoft Access, allowing you the flexibility to manage your investment portfolio. Established forms and tables allow you to manage multiple accounts, trading systems. The IDB database comes pre-loaded with over 1,700 symbols. The automated IDB Updater will update current prices for all symbols daily. IDB Can Help Oversee Your Entire Investment Experience. Here are a few of the things IDB can do for you: Track performance of all your investments -- past, present, actual. and paper. Get exit signals for any stops or targets that have been reached. Search and enter securities by symbol or name and control associated information for each symbol. Enter recommended stock picks from advisory sources. Update current quotes for all symbols in your database at once. Manage detailed account transactions including cash transactions, dividends, not to mention stock purchase and sales. Get a report of past performance of all your trading systems. Manage accounts, trading systems.


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