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ezViz Office About

ezViz Office Specifications
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Date added:
March 9, 2017
Date released:
July 9, 10
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows XP/Vista/7,
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Additional Requirements

ezViz Office v1.3.0

Ð?isualize real-time data, static data, or cloud data with ezViz Office.

ezViz Office Editor's review

FromezViz:ezViz Office software provides business users the ability to create stunning graphs from excel data or cloud data in seconds. ezViz's 'one-click Viz' feature lets users connect to data from their essential Software as a Service (SaaS) providers like: Google Analytics, and Live2Support. Users can query their data using interactive visualizations to garner insights. Users can collaborate their findings by exporting hi-res images of scatterplots, heatmaps
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