DepositWiz Specifications
Organize and print deposit tickets.
DepositWiz Deposit Slip Software prints deposit slips, and DepositWiz is easy to use. If you're a small business owner or landlord with tons of checks to deposit every month, this software will help you save time organizing and printing deposit tickets for your bank. DepositWiz includes: Useful fast fill lets you create time-saving templates of your regular deposits. Helpful auto-complete lets you make deposit tickets fast. Network and deposit slip sharing available. Prints professional looking deposit slips.
Practical cash calculator lets you calculate cash totals in a snap. Indispensable deposit summaries let you keep track of all deposit items. DepositWiz helps you save time, by letting you make fast and accurate deposit tickets. Be organized, with automatic deposit summaries printed with every deposit ticket. Version 2.0.122includes unspecified updates.