Pale Moon Specifications
Surf the Web using a custom speed-optimized Firefox-based browser for Windows.
Pale Moon offers you a browsing experience in a browser completely built from its own, independently developed source that has been forked off from Firefox/Mozilla code, with carefully selected features and optimizations to improve the browser's speed, resource use, stability and user experience, while offering full customization and a growing collection of extensions and themes to make the browser truly your own.What's new in this version:Added a detection routine for dark window colors on Windows 8 and later (system themes using dark window frames) to better adapt to dark system colors. Theme developers can take advantage of this by checking fordarkwindowframe="true"on#main-windowin CSS selectors.CSS classes prefixed with "--" no longer stop parsing of the selectors.Several crash fixes.Made GC suppression more aggressive to prevent i...See all new features »
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