
Copy Files With Dates About

Copy Files With Dates Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 24, 2022
Date released:
June 2, 2020
Free to try
Operating system:
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows, Windows 10,
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Additional Requirements
Not available

Copy Files With Dates v1.10

Copy files and directories with original creation and modification date.

Copy Files With Dates Screenshots

Copy Files With Dates Editor's review

Copy Files With Dates is a program for Windows to copy files while keeping the original creation date, modification date and the original attributes of the files and directories. The program quickly and easily solves the fundamental problem that Windows sets the date of copying as the new creation date of files and folders when copying files between different drives and devices, and the original creation date of files and directories is lost. In addition, when files are copied, Copy Files With Dates also transfers the original last modification date and the last access date, as well as the original file attributes such as 'Read-only', 'Hidden', 'System', 'Archive', 'Index' etc. For the copied subdirectories, the original creation date and the original modification date as well as all existing directory attributes are also transferred to the new directories.


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