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Utilities & Operating Systems & Sub Categories


Windows Phone

Share your music, photos, and videos from your computer to your phone (and vice versa).


Supercopier (32-bit)

Replace files copy dialogs in Windows with more sophisticated ones.


Download App

Software updates and utilities to keep your PC up-to-date and running smooth

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Gain access to graphics hardware, audio output, and gaming peripherals within cross-platform development library.


my airtel

Introducing the my airtel app - your world of airtel on the go.


Microsoft Windows 2000

Update: NetDiag, net diagnostic tool



Play Android mobile games/apps on Windows in Android emulator.


Air Printer

Turn your USB or network printer to wifi AirPrint-enabled printer for iPhone, iPad.



Copy, rename, and delete files between folders and computers.


MP Navigator EX for Windows

Scan, save, and print photos and documents from your PC.


Ashampoo WinOptimizer 2013

Optimize and adjust performance of your operating system.

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WinAIO Maker Professional

Manage, configure, edit, and delete images into WIMs.