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Educational Software & Sub Categories



Define and translate words between English and Indonesian.


Random Word Generator

Generate random, artificial words using a configurable method of construction.



Check Spanish grammar of your texts right from your browser.


Computer Dictionary

Find computer and technology related Acronyms.


Master Key

Learn to type and master your typing skills.


Click Translator

Translate text from anywhere on screen with a single mouse select and keystroke.


Easy French Platinum

Participate in real-world scenarios where you interact with native speakers to learn more quickly.



Baraha - Indian Language Software, Text Editor Software and Fonts



Learn to read, write, and speak Chinese.


Learn French Vocabulary

Study and learn French vocabulary with a quiz program based on a popular TV show.


Slovoed Compact Swedish<>Czech Dictionary

Translate Swedish words into Czech words and vice versa.



Handle keyboard for typing non-English languages.