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Utilities & Operating Systems & Sub Categories


File Viewer

Find, view, print, e-mail, and organize various files.


Rename Multiple Files With Time and Date Software

Rename files based on the date or time created, accessed, or modified.


Nico's Commander

Manage the files in your system, File search, and search for strings inside files.

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Nucleus Kernel Macintosh

Recover your Mac data.


XP Disk Cleaner

Clean your disks by removing unnecessary files.



Integrate advanced file search into Windows Explorer.



Transfer files, directories, or entire disks between computers.


Create Multiple Files From Text File List Software

Create multiple files based on full file paths found in one or more text files.


Wondershare InClowdz

Move your files from one cloud service to another.


Fast File Search

Search for a file and manage the resultant file.



Control and manage system file protection settings on PC.



Validate the integrity of files downloaded from the Internet.

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