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Utilities & Operating Systems & Sub Categories


Genie Timeline Home

Perform automatic real-time backup of all files and folders.



Extract text from pdf, doc, ppt, xls, docx, pptx, xlsx files.


ViceVersa Free

Synchronize files and folders between hard drives, USB drives, network computers.


Passper for ZIP

Recover password for ZIP archives.


DLL Show 2000

List all DLL and OCX modules installed on your system.


Msvcp140.dll Missing Fixer

Fix DLL files, modularize the DLL file codes, and optimize the device memory usage.


Templates for Microsoft Office for Windows 10

Templates for ms office is magic and easy-to-use app help you easier to create Microsoft office 365 documents in your windows 10.



Back up your online social memories in a digital journal.


MBOX to Office 365 Converter

Perform MBOX to Office 365 migration.


Digital Wall Clock for Windows 10

Digital Wall Clock. Digital Clock with themes customization and high contrast mode and 24-AM/PM mode. Best used as screensaver or as time showing...


Driver Magician

Restore, back up, and update drivers and detect unknown devices.


Shutdown Timer

Schedule a shutdown, reboot or logoff.