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Security Software & Sub Categories


Free Word Password Recovery

Recover Word password. Supports both doc and docx file formats.


Dalenryder Password Generator

Generate safe passwords with a lot of helpful functions.


Password Generator

Generate strong passwords according to customized characters criteria.


SterJo Opera Passwords

Reveal all passwords stored by Opera browser.


Paranoid Shield 2020

Manage securely all your passwords in one place.


KeePass Password Safe Portable

Store your passwords in a single database locked with master key or key file.


Password Store Manager

Manage your passwords with ease.



Recover RAR, ZIP, and HASH passwords.


Elcomsoft Phone Breaker

Retrieve data from password-protected iOS devices, iCloud, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry 10 backups.


Free Zip Password Unlocker

Recover the password of ZIP, RAR, and 7z files.



Generate random passwords and hashes for your various purposes.


Treek's Password Manager

Store passwords, credentials, and other confidential information.