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Security Software & Sub Categories


Grayteq DLP

Protect your valuable information from being lost or stolen.


Master Voyager Business Edition

Create protected DVD and CD discs and USB drives.


Software Protector

Generate keys for your software and validate it using SKGL library inside your own project.


Folder Guard

Protect folders, hide files, lock applications, and restrict access to other resources.


EMCO Network Malware Cleaner

Clean up your network from viruses, worms, Trojans, and adware.


YDD QuickIndex

Create an index for the access entries and display the permitted resources for employees' access.


OverLAPS Pro

Make the LAPS managed passwords available through a secure, modern Web interface.


Nsauditor Network Security Auditor

Audit your network security for possible vulnerabilities.


E-Lock ProSigner

Make your business processes secure and provide confidentiality for documents and transactions.



Protect your computer from viruses and Trojans with this program.



Enable protection from spam and viruses to multiple internal servers.


AccessPatrol (64-bit)

Protect access to endpoint devices and prevent theft of company data.