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Security Software & Sub Categories



Protect your computer from viruses and Trojans with this program.


EMCO Network Malware Cleaner

Clean up your network from viruses, worms, Trojans, and adware.


OverLAPS Pro

Make the LAPS managed passwords available through a secure, modern Web interface.


WinLock Professional

Restrict access to various computer resources and websites.

Editors' rating


Absolute Data & Device Security

Identify risk conditions and receive a notification if these conditions occur.


Device Protector Workgroup

Enforce device protection policies on organization computers.



Perform forensic data extraction from Android devices.


Tractive GPS for Windows 10

Where is my dog? Where is my cat? If you have ever asked yourself this question, Tractive GPS Pet Finder is right for you.


Trusteer Rapport

Prevent phishing and Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) malware attacks.


L0phtCrack Password Auditing & Recovery

Recover passwords and audit their vulnerability.


DVR Viewer for Windows 10

A viewer app for DVR models.


Spy Tools - Best Stealth Spy Phone App

Spy Tools, be a spy and unveil the secrets and mysteries of all that surrounds you.