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Security Software & Sub Categories


Accent ZIP Password Recovery

Recover lost passwords for ZIP archives using the processing power of NVIDIA/AMD video cards.


Owl for Network

Monitor all network activity going out of your server.



Protect your files with eight-tuple-randomized encryption.


Panfone iOS Eraser Free

Erase data on your iOS device permanently.


Excel Password Recovery Standard

Recover passwords for Microsoft Excel.


Cyber Prot

Scan and protect your system from ransomware.


Zahid Antivirus

Protect your PC from viruses and malware.


Activity Monitor

Monitor time and activity of users on network computers.


KeePass Portable

Store your passwords in encrypted databases.


Nessus Pro

Identify vulnerabilities, policy-violating configurations and malware that attackers use to penetrate your or your customer's network.


Avast Business Patch Management

Protect against vulnerabilities with centralized, automated Patch Management.



Protect your PC against ransomware.