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Educational Software & Sub Categories


Church Secretary for Windows

Record and report family and member information for all church members.


Islamic Prayer Times

Check your prayer time according to your location and school of thought.



Deal with property distribution of a deceased Muslim based on Holy Quran.


Numerology Calculator

Make numerological calculations using the Chaldean or Pythagorean systems.


Code Decipher

Convert bible Code to plain text.


PrayAlert Personal Edition

Calculate the five daily Islamic prayer times for most parts of the world.


JXCirrus Prayer

Record prayers and set reminders.


Audio King James Version HTML Bible

Listen to the corresponding MP3 audio file as you read each chapter of the Bible.



Get help in studying the Christian Bible.


Tamil Bible

Read the Bible in Tamil.



Hear the Athan (Azan) automatically five times a day at each prayer time.



Get reminders about prayer time.

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