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Educational Software & Sub Categories


JW CLM Scheduler

Schedule the Christian Life and Ministry CLM Meeting.


Hebrew Letters

Study hebrew words letter-by-letter.


MB Numerology Pro Software

Learn about your personality and predict your future using numerology.

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Free Bible Dictionary

Look up any word or phrase in the Bible.


Hebrew Calendar

Generate a Hebrew lunisolar calendar.


JXCirrus Prayer

Record prayers and set reminders.


MB Dream Interpretation Software

Record and analyze your dreams.

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Numerology Calculator

Make numerological calculations using the Chaldean or Pythagorean systems.


BMS Bible Buddy

Get 8 different Bibles with a search feature and dictionaries.


The Bible

Read and print the King James Bible, search for verses, and bookmark any verse or chapter.



Deal with property distribution of a deceased Muslim based on Holy Quran.


PC Study Bible Limited Edition

Read and learn from the Bible.