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Educational Software & Sub Categories


MagicPlot Student

Perform scientific and engineering data analysis.


NXG Logic Instructor

Teach and learn biostatistics.



Provide a powerful equation plotter with numerical and calculus features.


Kalkules Matrix Calculator

Perform a variety of matrix related calculations.


Math Practice

Teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to your children.


ArcGIS Explorer

Access online GIS content and capabilities.


Algebra Equation Solver

Solve and explain algebra and pre-calculus equations.


AceIT Calculator

Perform algebraic, statistical, and other functions.


Unit Converter Professional

Convert between various units within 32 categories.


The Geometer's Sketchpad

Teach and visualize the mathematics problem.


Math Assistant

Solve mathematical equations, perform computations, and date calculations.


Etchimaths (University I)

Get acquainted with 17 key topics for Pure Mathematics courses at the University level.