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Educational Software & Sub Categories



Define and translate words between English and Indonesian.


Spoken English

Learn how to speak the English language.


Lingoes Translator

Search for the words and translate sentences into different languages.


Slovoed Classic Italian<>Dutch Dictionary

Translate Italian words into Dutch words and vice versa.


Talk a Lot Spoken English Course

Learn a 12-week spoken English course for Elementary level students.


Easy French Platinum

Participate in real-world scenarios where you interact with native speakers to learn more quickly.


Transsoftware Professional Translator English-Spanish

Translate texts from English into Spanish and vice versa.


Wordinn English to Urdu Dictionary

Enjoy the powerful English to Urdu dictionary and Urdu to English dictionary.


Computer Dictionary

Find computer and technology related Acronyms.


Chinese Tutor Software

Learn Chinese words and characters using flash cards.


WikiDict English Sinhala Dictionary

Translate words from English to Sinhala.



Check Spanish grammar of your texts right from your browser.