Create and edit eBooks suitable for education and publishing.
Grade assignments submitted on Google Classrooms, Ms Teams, Word, Notepad, OneNote.
Find out the impact of a nuclear weapon explosion if it went off in your backyard.
Veronika Decides to Die is a novel by Paulo Coelho.
Convert DICOM images to NIfTI, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, or other format, and vice versa.
Get access to a variety of astronomy-related data and simulations in one app.
Calculate answers based on what you type (math expressions, assign variables, define functions).
NEW. Settings > Update Database to update. (See Tips below). Remove Pinyin from words you already know. (See Tips below). Dictionary display...
Generate random numbers for games.
Note: This is a BETA release and is still work in progress.
Simulate and experiment with some of the more commonly-used protein separation techniques.