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Educational Software & Sub Categories



Analyze the wave data time series collected by sensors in open body of water using Matlab/Octave.


Simple Solver

computer logic design, logic simulation, boolean minimize, freeware, shareware


GPS TrackMaker

Combine GPS data editor and real-time navigation with Google Maps and Google Earth.


Free Genogram Maker

Build up a genogram for your family.


Solve Elec

Analyze circuits, draw graphs, and verify circuit related equations.


Free Spoken English Handbook

Learn how to speak English correctly.


Examen GIBDD Russia

Prepare for your exams to obtain a driving license.


PDF/ePUB to Kindle Tool

Convert e-books to MOBI format.


Islamic Prayer Times

Check your prayer time according to your location and school of thought.


First Fruit Bible for Windows 10

Quick and powerful Bible reader app for off-line use, internet connection is not required for reading.


English-Hindi Talking Dictionary

Get Hindi meaning of English words, definitions, examples, and audio pronunciations.


CyberLink YouPaint

Paint pictures on your PC with set of multiple tools.