Solve statistical problems and learn how to deal with them yourself.
Takoboto is an offline Japanese - English, English - Japanese dictionary and Japanese language learning tool.
This application covers a few basic areas in semiconductor/solid state physics.
Bootstrap is the most popular free front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
Convert your Singlish text into Wijesekara keybord layout based Sinhala text.
Create CBZ files from your images.
Type in Bangla using fixed and phonetic keyboard layouts or create your own customized layout.
Learn basic commands to configure your router in a networked environment.
QuotesForYou - is a collection of handpicked Quotes to inspire and motivate you all bundled in a UWP Windows App.
Translate English words to French ones and vice versa.
Create, manipulate, open, and store graphs within various open formats.