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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


Paquet Builder

Create personalized and full-featured self-extracting 7-Zip packages and installers.



Integrate automated updates via Internet into your software.



Create a time-limited trial version of any application, generate serial numbers for registration.


Setup Factory

Create installers for your software.


Centurion Setup

Build a professional software installer in a self-contained executable.


Visual Build Professional

Build an automated process for creating and developing a software.


Easy SIS Creator

Generate SIS installation files for Symbian OS.


PatchWise Free

Create patches for your software.


EA Install

Create an installer for MetaTrader Expert Advisors.


USSU Unlimited

Manage and keep your standard Windows applications up-to-date.


Windows Installer (Windows XP/2003)

Install and configure your products and applications reducing the total cost of ownership.


PACE Suite Portable

Repackage, create, edit, and customize Windows Installer and App-V packages.