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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


IDAutomation 2D Barcode ActiveX Control

Generate linear and 2D barcodes with ActiveX Control that supports COM or ActiveX components.


Scanner ActiveX Control

Capture images from TWAIN scanners and Webcams and save them to PDF ,TIFF, and JPEG files.


Karaoke Mixer ActiveX Control

Let your application record a voice over for your audio files and display audio waveforms.


Image ActiveX SDK

Let your application scan, display, and print TIFF, JPEG, PDF, Unicode files.


Document Imaging SDK ActiveX Toolkit

Let your application scan, display, and annotate TIFF, JPEG, PDF, and Unicode files.



Let your application scan, display, print TIFF and fax images, Unicode files.


Annotation SDK ActiveX

Add annotation, drawing, text, images, signature, stamps, and sticky notes to your documents.


Visual Basic 6.0 to Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Assessment Tool

Analyze Visual Basic 6.0 projects and address issues to be upgrade.



Provide ActiveX for work with DWG, DXF, STP, IGS in NET, HTML, Javascript, VC++, Delphi.



Embed DWG, DXF view, import, export, and print functions to your application using ActiveX control.


Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Common Controls

Update mscomctl.ocx and comctl32.ocx.


VideoCap ActiveX Control

Add video capture, snapshot, camera control features to your applications.