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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


SysTools SQL Log Analyzer

View, read, and analyze SQL Server database transaction log (.ldf) files.


Intel Performance Libraries

Optimize your code and shorten development time with Performance libraries for Intel architecture .


OpenVINO toolkit

Develop applications and solutions that emulate human vision.


Intel Threading Building Blocks

Get advanced threading for fast, scalable, parallel applications with widely used C++ library.


Intel Distribution for Python

Deliver fast Python application performance on modern Intel platforms.


Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

Track source code changes source code with a file-level version control system.


Xbox Dev Mode Companion (Preview) for Windows 10

Xbox Dev Mode Companion (Preview) allows you to remotely connect to an Xbox One console and control it.


Visual Studio Professional 2017

Build an app for any platform.



Work with DBF files without any drivers required.


Free HTML Reader

View HTML files and access source code.


Serial Key Generator (64-bit)

Create serial keys for your C# .NET, VB .NET, C++ Builder, Delphi, and Java applications.