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Altova DiffDog Professional Edition

Compare and merge source code and text-based files or directory pairs.



Edit plain text files, HTML documents, PHP, and Java code.

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Edit text in over 20 source code languages.



Use this full-featured text editor to create and store documents.


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express (64-bit)

Manage SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with advanced services.


EWDraw 3D ActiveX Ultimate Edition

Let your application create 3D and 2D vector models for CAD, CAM, and GIS with ActiveX control.



Work with DBF files without any drivers required.



Get a library that models a collection of audio sources moving in a 3D space.


Urdu Editor

Use this bilingual editor to program in both Urdu and English.


HP LoadRunner

Diagnose application and system bottlenecks and tune them for better performance.


oXygen XML Developer

Explore the complete XML editing solution, both for XML developers and content authors.


MySQL Data Access Components

Get a library of components for direct access to MySQL from Delphi.