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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK

Read and write XLS and XLSX from ASP.NET, .NET, VB, C#, PHP, and other programming languages.


Luxand FaceSDK

Add facial recognition and biometric identification features to your applications.


Skater .Net Obfuscator

Secure and obfuscate your .NET assemblies.


Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition

Learn how to develop your own arcade games on the PC.


Bundle Generator for Windows 10

Bundle Generator (PREVIEW) is a tool that takes a package (appx) and converts it into a package bundle (appxbundle).



Design desktop, Web, and mobile software prototypes.


Navicat for MySQL (32-bit)

Create and browse MySQL databases, run SQL queries, or build reports.



Create the personal structure of your company.


2D Barcode FMX Components

Generate 2D barcode symbols with FireMonkey components.



Provide Fast, Integrated Design and Development for Modern Apps.


IDAutomation Crystal Reports 2D Barcode Generator

Generate 2D bar code images in Crystal Reports 9 and above.



Develop web and mobile applications without any coding task.