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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional

Optimize HPC - Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Pro 11.1 for Windows


Free HTML Editor

Edit and view HTML documents.


HP QuickTest Professional

Automate functional testing of every major enterprise environment, including SAP, Oracle, Siebel, PeopleSoft, .Net, or Java.


Free XML Formatter

Format your XML strings or files by changing the indentation level.



Create HTML and PDF documents, e-books, and large scale Web site layouts.


Magix Website Maker

Create your own Web site online in Flash without any previous knowledge.


Intel System Studio

Identify performance bottlenecks, reduce power use, and go from prototype to product sooner.


Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers

Analyze, optimize, and debug game and media applications.


Intel Media Software Development Kit

Develop high-performing applications for digital surveillance, retail, industrial, smart home.


Intel SDK for OpenCL Applications

Employ harness parallel programming techniques for the current generation of Intel hardware.


Intel Math Kernel Library

Accelerate math processing routines, increase application performance, and reduce development time.


Intel MPI Library

Deliver flexible, efficient, scalable cluster messaging with MPI library for distributed computing.