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Desktop Enhancements & Sub Categories


Pastebin Desktop

Set customized shortcuts to automatically create new paste of text for clipboard.


Tessa Timer

Train for agility in a more efficient way.



Add a virtual assistant to your desktop.


Moo0 Multi-Desktop

Create and use multiple virtual desktops.


Hotkey Utility

Assign any combination of keys to a program or Web site.


Window On Top

Keep desired application window above all other windows.


XNote Timer

Measure your time via fullscreen timer and stopwatch software.



Insert frequently used text phrases into Windows applications.



Manage shortcut files and launch applications with ease.



Search icons and insert them directly into graphic editing software


CLaunch (32-bit)

Open files and programs using panels, mouse operations, and hotkeys.


CLaunch (64-bit)

Open files and programs using panels, mouse operations, and hotkeys.