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Browsers & Sub Categories



Navigate to web most popular sites from the search bar.



Open your Omnis Studio applications using a Web browser.


Reddit Enhancement Suite

Enhance your Reddit browsing experience.


Rumola - bypass CAPTCHA for Firefox

Solve those tricky authorization text filled images in web pages.


Ebates: The Free Cash Back Shopping Assistant

Get cash back and automatically find and apply coupons.


Adblock Plus for Mozilla Firefox

Block annoying ads and banners in Mozilla Firefox.



Download multiple files from various Web pages.



Evaluate SQL injections, XSS holes, and site security.



Display best prices and relevant products while shopping online.


Todoist: To-Do list and Task Manager

Manage all your tasks from your browser.


Hola for Firefox

Access websites blocked in your country, company or school.


Facebook Messenger

Chat with Facebook friends from your Mozilla Browser.