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Change Font Family Style

Change the CSS font-family of all text to a desired font name.


Google Dictionary

View definitions easily as you browse the web.


Evernote Web

Save all of your ideas and experiences in Evernote, then access them from every computer and phone you use.


Edit This Cookie

Manage your cookies stored on Chrome browser.



Use Ethereum directly from Chrome


Earth View from Google Earth

Experience a beautiful image from Google Earth every time you open a new tab.


Easy Auto Refresh

Refresh and reload any page or tab after a specified number of seconds.


Language Analytics

Track time spent on pages in different languages and allows you to set reading time targets.



Search for user manuals for popular brands of electronics, cars, or appliances.


The Great Suspender

Unload, park, suspend tabs to reduce memory footprint of chrome.


Instagram for Chrome

Browse, like, and comment on all photos of your friends.


Chrome Remote Desktop

Access other computers or allow another user to access your computer securely over the Internet.