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Google Voice

Add Google Voice notifications and additional features to Google Chrome.


Speed Dial 2

Replace the new tab page with quick access to your most visited pages.


Showgoers for Netflix

Watch the same movie on Netflix with your friends or loved ones.



Use Ethereum directly from Chrome


Free Visio Viewer for Chrome

Open Microsoft Visio files directly from Gmail


CashBack Rewards

Earn cash back on purchases when shopping online.


Battle Insights For Pokemon Lite

See Pokemon base stats and ability information all in one place.


Discounts Vault

Find discounts and offers when shopping online.


Project Naptha for Chrome

Highlight, edit, translate, or modify text inside any images.


Market Updates

Get latest NSE and BSE updates along with Forex and commodities rates.


Auto Scroll

Scroll a page automatically with a speed defined by you.


Online Radio

Listen to radio stations in Google Chrome.