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PDFescape Free PDF Editor

Edit and view PDF files directly in Google Chrome.


Adblock Plus for Chrome

Browse the Web without ads using Google Chrome.



Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard.


Full Page Screen Capture

Take a full page screenshot of your current browser window.


Online Radio

Listen to radio stations in Google Chrome.


TV for Google Chrome

Watch TV directly from your Google Chrome browser.


CamVoice - Video Chat

Live stream your special moments, live talk with your friends, or make a video call.


Scroll To Top Button

Jump back to the top of any page when browsing the Web.


CashBack Rewards

Earn cash back on purchases when shopping online.



Add new features to your favorite online media players.


Flash Video Downloader for Google Chrome

Download video from Metacafe, Vimeo, Facebok, and other sites via Google Chrome browser.

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Facebook Message Cleaner (Chrome)

Delete all Facebook messages at once.