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Search for user manuals for popular brands of electronics, cars, or appliances.


The Great Suspender

Unload, park, suspend tabs to reduce memory footprint of chrome.


Language Analytics

Track time spent on pages in different languages and allows you to set reading time targets.


Instagram for Chrome

Browse, like, and comment on all photos of your friends.


Pushbullet for Opera

See your calls and texts on your computer and easily send links and files from your computer to phone.


Chrome Remote Desktop

Access other computers or allow another user to access your computer securely over the Internet.


Auto Scroll

Scroll a page automatically with a speed defined by you.


Kindle Cloud Reader

Read Kindle books in your browser.


MEGA Chrome app

Get enhanced security when using MEGA cloud storage with Chrome.


NewS BuSters

Read news from newspapers, magazines, and Web sites around the world.


Headlines 24

Read latest news on your Android device.



Navigate the Internet using fast browser with privacy and ad-blocking features.