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Expired Cookies Cleaner

Search and delete unused cookies on your PC.

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iMacros for Firefox

Automate Firefox, record and replay repetitious work.


Full Page Screen Capture

Take a full page screenshot of your current browser window.


The Great Suspender

Unload, park, suspend tabs to reduce memory footprint of chrome.


Gestures for Google Chrome

Control Google Chrome with mouse gestures.


IE Web Notifications

Receive desktop notifications in Internet Explorer.


HTTrack Website Copier

Download a Web site to local directory for offline browsing.


Mozilla Firefox 64-bit

Surf the Web comfortably, relying on speed, safety, and power of customization.


DeeperWeb for Google

Boost up and customize your Google searches.


Yahoo Toolbar

Search the Web from anywhere, block pop-ups, and get one-click access to your mail.

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Facebook Messenger

Chat with Facebook friends from your Mozilla Browser.


Flash Video Downloader for Google Chrome

Download video from Metacafe, Vimeo, Facebok, and other sites via Google Chrome browser.

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