EPIC FAIL is a huge FREE collection of all your favorite FAIL images contributed by your fellow users.
Access team newsfeeds, instant messaging, files from cloud services right from Chrome browser.
Keep your musical instruments in tune.
Join thousands of REAL players in this epic trading card game full of magic and fantasy.
The NEW and most AWESOME-ly improved MAKEOVER app is a full one-click virtual makeover and photo editing application, allowing for nearly 1000 color cosmetics shades (lipsticks, eyeshadows, etc) to be applied on a photo within seconds.
Do you think that you can drive two cars at once?
Check your battery health, wear out, specs and status.
keep track of your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).
Measure performance of your graphic processing unit.
The language of this application is Hindi/English.
If you are ready for classic bubble bursting fun, then you need to play Popping Bubbles.
Create multiple XLSX files from multiple XLS files.