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Hide installed programs from Add/Remove List and Start Menu.

Any program which you install adds items to the Start Menu and the Add/Remove Programs List in the Control Panel. Using this Control Panel applet, anyone who has access to your computer can view which programs you have installed on your PC and uninstall them. Hide Programs lets you hide programs from the Add/Remove Programs List or re-show them. You ...

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Advanced Uninstaller Pro

Uninstall applications completely, clean up your PC and registry, and speed up your system.

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Simple Uninstaller

Uinstall software, remove or change programs and force uninstall.

User rating


Windows XP Mode

Install and run programs that run on Windows XP directly from a computer that runs Windows 7.


Total Uninstall

Analyze and uninstall programs without leaving traces in the system.



Remove unwanted programs from your PC in a safe way.

Editors' rating


Anvi Uninstaller

Repair browser settings and network settings changed by malware.

Editors' rating