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Unzip Pro

Work with most popular archives even with password-protected, as well as multivolume archives.



Compress PDF, MS Office, and JPEG files from the desktop, explorer, or automatically in e-mail.


Free RAR Extractor

Extract RAR archives and save them in the relevant folders.



Create and extract various types of archive files.


StuffIt Deluxe x64

Compress large files to share them online.


FileMinimizer Server

Accelerate backups and save storage space on file servers with optimized Office, PDF, image files.


PeaZip Portable

Take your file archiver with you and work with compressed 7z, ZIP, GZ, TAR, and RAR files on the go.


KGB Archiver

Archive and encrypt your files quickly.


StuffIt for Windows x86 (32-bit)

Create and access attachments and downloads, protect data, and transfer files.


AX-ZIP Finder x64

Search archives and files contained in them.


Free PDF Compressor

Shrink PDF files by using the Flate or RunLength compression algorithm.


Unzip RAR

Decompress RAR archives.