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Upload Rabbit for Facebook

Upload batch of photos or videos to Facebook with ease.

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Simple Instagram (Vietnamese)

Follow multiple users and send messages on Instagram.



Connect with your fiends on an ad-free social network.


2go for Windows 10

2go is a mobile social network where you can chat and share with friends.


Sprout Hub for Windows 10

Sprout Hub enables easy sharing of Sprout Workspace projects or content to Facebook, Twitter, or any other social network that is available via the Windows 'Share' charm.



Communicate, play games, and share files over your Wi-Fi and home or office networks.


Answer It

Replace your telephone answering machine with your PC.


Social for Facebook

Manage your multiple Facebook accounts with notification and instant chat.


Comments Manager

Manage all comments on Facebook.


Combin Scheduler

Schedule Stories and posts for auto-publishing and create beautiful Instagram feed.


Messages Manager

Send messages to all Facebook Page Fans with one click.


Mail app 4 YahooMail for Windows 10

Mail app helps you to keeep you updated with your yahoomail along with many tips and tricks.