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Graphic Design Software & Sub Categories


Just Color Picker

Pick the right color anywhere at the screen.


CDR Open File Tool

Repair damaged CDR documents of any version, convert them into clean files.


Serif DrawPlus Starter Edition

Create attractive vector artwork for home, school, and office with ease.


SignGo Lite

Design signs with text, shapes, and freehand graphics.



Add new functionality to Adobe Illustrator.


CorelDRAW Technical Suite X6

Create technical illustrations and documentations.


Tiff Viewer

Display single or multipage files with the TIFF extension.


Soft4Boost Disc Cover Studio

Design and print disc labels, covers, and booklets.


Adobe Illustrator

Explore new paths with this vector-graphics tool.


Aurora SVG Viewer & Converter

View and convert SVG to TIFF, PNG, JPG, GIF or TGA.


GraphExpert Professional

Perform graphing, data management and analysis.


PaintTool SAI

Paint objects and make anti-aliased drawings on your PC.