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Hasten Latency Fix

Lower your lag (ping) for online gaming and VoIP.


Babylon Translator for Windows 10

Babylon, the world's leading provider of dictionary and translation software, brings you Babylon Translator for Windows 8 Modern UI.


Perfect Recorder for Windows 10

Recording has never been easier.


Brother Print&Scan for Windows 10

Brother Print&Scan is a free application that expands the printing and scanning capabilities of Brother devices on Windows 8.


Game Speed Changer

Change the speed of the game up to 256 times faster or 0.01 times slower.


Vortex Cloud Gaming

Play games from the cloud on your home PC.


The Sims 4 Create A Sim Demo

Create smarter Sims with unique personalities and distinct appearances.


LoL Absent

Block League of Legends game contact list to play solo or with a friend without being disturbed.


MEGA Privacy for Windows 10

MEGA is a secure cloud storage service that gives you 50 GB free storage space.


Construct 2

Create your own 2D games.


FBX Review for Windows 10

Autodesk FBX Review is a lightweight, standalone software tool for reviewing 3D assets and animations quickly and efficiently.