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Developer Tools & Sub Categories


LogFaces Server (64-bit)

Persist log statements emitted by your applications to the database.


Help Generator for Visual Basic 6.0

Generate HTML Help CHM or browser-based help.


MQ Visual Edit

View, manipulate, and manage messages in a queue of a WebSphere.


App Icon Maker

Create app icons for iOS, Android, and Windows from a single image.


DB AppMaker

Generate mobile apps from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, and SQL Server databases.



Create help files, documentation, and manuals with automatic screenshot annotation.


UML Diagram Maker

Create UML and ERD diagrams for software engineers and designers.


GPX Editor

Read and write GPS Exchange Format files.


Smart Packer Pro X

Pack your application files into a single executable.



Create surveys for Android smart phones and tablets.


TortoiseSVN (64-bit)

Perform revision control, version control, and source control for Windows.


Regex Auto Builder Professional Edition

Generate regular expressions automatically.