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Desktop Enhancements & Sub Categories


Sticky Previews

Create live previews of any window or screen region.


Type Common Phrases Automatically Software

Replace specified abbreviations with longer text in any program to save time.


Mute Audio By Keyboard Shortcut Software

Adjust the computer volume quickly by keyboard.


Unofficial Windows 98 SE Service Pack

service pack for Windows 98 SE


Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional

Control your PC using speech recognition.



Tweak NVIDIA and ATI display adapters.



Search the web, and access countless features and utilities all from the convenience of your desktop.



Backup and restore currently open explorer folders.


Disk Space Saving

Delete all of your Windows Updates downloads.



Work with windows in efficient way.



Power off your screen (or screens) when you lock your computer.


Disable Context Menu Items

Disable Windows Explorer context menu items.